Guest Book
Monday, 21 January 2013 | alhier, natuurlijk...!
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Drs, en nog wat meer (want men doet soms wat...)
Hai tante Vera,
ff introduceren:
Ik ben de kleinzoon van je oom Ben (die van Het Parool, je weet wel).
Wellicht interessant, want we hebben elkaar eerder letterlijk bijna getroffen:
je reed me ooit eens bijna aan tegenover Paradiso met dat suffe brommertje van
je (met iemand achterop) bij het vorige concert van De Residents.
Ik had toen iets moeten zeggen, of slaan wellicht, want: brommerend toeteren
op de stoep om mij weg te krijgen voor een parkeerplekje: tantetje toch...
Maar, dat is vele jaren geleden. En wist jij veel wie je voor je had.
Als een iets ouder en milder neefje meldt je nu:
The Residents verschijnen op 20 mei a.s. aan het IJ, en de vvk is begonnen.
Wellicht ook voor jou leuk om ze weer eens te zien?
Jouw onbekende neefje:
ff introduceren:
Ik ben de kleinzoon van je oom Ben (die van Het Parool, je weet wel).
Wellicht interessant, want we hebben elkaar eerder letterlijk bijna getroffen:
je reed me ooit eens bijna aan tegenover Paradiso met dat suffe brommertje van
je (met iemand achterop) bij het vorige concert van De Residents.
Ik had toen iets moeten zeggen, of slaan wellicht, want: brommerend toeteren
op de stoep om mij weg te krijgen voor een parkeerplekje: tantetje toch...
Maar, dat is vele jaren geleden. En wist jij veel wie je voor je had.
Als een iets ouder en milder neefje meldt je nu:
The Residents verschijnen op 20 mei a.s. aan het IJ, en de vvk is begonnen.
Wellicht ook voor jou leuk om ze weer eens te zien?
Jouw onbekende neefje:
Denise LaFrance
Tuesday, 18 December 2012 | Toronto
Fantabulous Holiday-Time Newsletter!
Hello Xaviera!
Great Holiday Newsletter!
So glad to read that your leg is feeling better and that the 2nd treatment worked^^
I hope this new year brings you and Philip oodles more good health and FUN.
Those theatre productions looked great and I'd have loved to have attended.
Great assortment of photos.
Sending warm hugs & love to you & Philip for this holiday season.
Enjoy your party!
Denise LaFrance
Great Holiday Newsletter!
So glad to read that your leg is feeling better and that the 2nd treatment worked^^
I hope this new year brings you and Philip oodles more good health and FUN.
Those theatre productions looked great and I'd have loved to have attended.
Great assortment of photos.
Sending warm hugs & love to you & Philip for this holiday season.
Enjoy your party!
Denise LaFrance
Thursday, 15 November 2012 | Melbourne, Australia
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I was 13 when I discovered your book in my Dad's closet in 1975. You were the first, the best, the only for many years. erm, apart from the boys.
You shaped and left an indelible mark on my psyche, which remains today.
I would so much love to come and enjoy the off-stage familial environs in your pics - there's a certain 'circle of life' that would be finally fulfilled.
In lieu of that, at least I can touch you with this email.
You made a difference in my life. You allowed me to liberate my thinking.
You are, indelibly, a part of me.
Silk touches and brief hugs,
I was 13 when I discovered your book in my Dad's closet in 1975. You were the first, the best, the only for many years. erm, apart from the boys.
You shaped and left an indelible mark on my psyche, which remains today.
I would so much love to come and enjoy the off-stage familial environs in your pics - there's a certain 'circle of life' that would be finally fulfilled.
In lieu of that, at least I can touch you with this email.
You made a difference in my life. You allowed me to liberate my thinking.
You are, indelibly, a part of me.
Silk touches and brief hugs,
Xaviera's comment
so sweet this comment. sorry for the delay in answering. well if ever you come to Holland do not hesitate to look me up at our romantic Bed and breakfast. Bring some friends along, it is a magnificent house as you may have seen from my website. so we can finally get to know each other better. I am still going strong , no matter what age... love xaviera
so sweet this comment. sorry for the delay in answering. well if ever you come to Holland do not hesitate to look me up at our romantic Bed and breakfast. Bring some friends along, it is a magnificent house as you may have seen from my website. so we can finally get to know each other better. I am still going strong , no matter what age... love xaviera
Amber Ash
Thursday, 24 May 2012 | Scotland
Hi Xaviera,
I remember picking up your book from my mother's bedside table. A child then, I read it. I had already been groomed by my uncles. Since then I have had a pretty 'normal' life but now in my 50'th year I'd like to pursue my own life.
Glad that you are recovering. Hopefully I will meet you in Amsterdam to finish my education. x x
I remember picking up your book from my mother's bedside table. A child then, I read it. I had already been groomed by my uncles. Since then I have had a pretty 'normal' life but now in my 50'th year I'd like to pursue my own life.
Glad that you are recovering. Hopefully I will meet you in Amsterdam to finish my education. x x
Xaviera's comment
some people even younger than you find my book in their GRAND parents house after they died and the house gets emptied out! still going strong , you obviously know where to find me . Love Xaviera
some people even younger than you find my book in their GRAND parents house after they died and the house gets emptied out! still going strong , you obviously know where to find me . Love Xaviera
Leslie Garone
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Dear Ms. Hollander, I am sure you meet alot of people, but meeting you is one memory I will never forget. Drew and I were in Amsterdam (me for the first time) last Easter and you and Phillip opened your home to us for a very nice visit. Bought a few things from you all, got some pics and had a lovely visit. We stayed too long and missed the train and Phillip ended up taking us back into town. Just read your newsletter and I am so glad that you are doing better after the operation! Take care of your sweet self, enjoy Spain and hope to get the thrill of seeing you again! Leslie
Xaviera's comment
try and make it over to this part of Europe where it is invariably all year round great and warm weather and we don't have to fly for many hours to countries like Mexico or South America or the Far East to find sunshine and tranquility!!
check this website for more information
try and make it over to this part of Europe where it is invariably all year round great and warm weather and we don't have to fly for many hours to countries like Mexico or South America or the Far East to find sunshine and tranquility!!
check this website for more information
99 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
leuk dit commentaar van een nieuw neefje. nu is de naam de vries net als Smith in Engeland natuurlijk heel populair. Graag mij even op mijn persoonlijke email een telefoonnummer toesturen en dan bellen we elkaar. je woont kennelijk ook in Amsterdam? Helaas ben ik in mei voor 5 weken naar ons huis in Marbella, nou ja helaas.. natuurlijk zalig weer daar en relaxed. Mocht je een andere happening leuk vinden voor die tijd laat wat van je horen, zo was ik gister helemaal door de sneeuw gereden naar Rotterdam om een top flamenci dancer te beluisteren en bekijken. ole. fantastico! groetjes van je naughty auntie Xie.