Guest Book
jasper van buren
Tuesday, 04 October 2011 | amsterdam
Geachte mevrouw Hollander,
Ik ben momenteel bezig met een roman. Met het schrijven ervan, om precies te zijn. En ik ben op het punt beland dat de hoofdpersoon begin jaren zestig een bezoek brengt aan een prostituee op Katendrecht. Nou vroeg ik me af: weet u, of kunt u te weten komen, wat zo'n dame in die tijd voor tarieven hanteerde? Ik heb het aan De Rode Draad gevraagd, maar zij wisten het niet. Het is misschien een detail, maar details geven een verhaal geloofwaardigheid.
Bij voorbaat veel dank!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jasper van Buren
Ik ben momenteel bezig met een roman. Met het schrijven ervan, om precies te zijn. En ik ben op het punt beland dat de hoofdpersoon begin jaren zestig een bezoek brengt aan een prostituee op Katendrecht. Nou vroeg ik me af: weet u, of kunt u te weten komen, wat zo'n dame in die tijd voor tarieven hanteerde? Ik heb het aan De Rode Draad gevraagd, maar zij wisten het niet. Het is misschien een detail, maar details geven een verhaal geloofwaardigheid.
Bij voorbaat veel dank!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jasper van Buren
Daiana Hammer
Thursday, 15 September 2011 | USA & U.K
Good afternoon Miss Hollander, may name is Daiana Hammer(professionally that is). I'm reaching out to you because I decided that I shouldnt wait to long. God forbide should something happen to I or yourself? As a teenager I had the honor to watch the film "The Happy Hooker" starring the late Miss Lynn Redgrave. Around the early 1990's before the net in which I could learn additional about yourself.To put it bluntly with class I decided to work as a premiere "Courtesan". I consider you as a role model due to your influence in popular culture,films,books and editorial writings. Unlike the other ladies who faded into obscurity or bathroom jokes. Tonight Im *** a party with a few other companions to view Happy Hkr,Happy Hkr goes to Wash,,. I hope in my next travel to meet you and share a nice giggle or two? Much love...Daiana H

Greg Farrell
Saturday, 03 September 2011 | San Diego California
You've literally transformed my life since 1972, the year I read Happy Hooker in my 9th grade English class.
It's too bad you can't be the governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger tried, but couldn't do much. I bet you could not only turn the state around, but would boost revenues beyond anyone's wild imagination. California needs an empowered women such as yourself.
Your fan for life,
It's too bad you can't be the governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger tried, but couldn't do much. I bet you could not only turn the state around, but would boost revenues beyond anyone's wild imagination. California needs an empowered women such as yourself.
Your fan for life,

Lisa Brenneisen
Saturday, 27 August 2011 | California and Spain
watching your story on the documentary 'sexual revolution', i wish i had paid more attention to who you really were when i was young. I might have enjoyed my own sexual awakening more. You're a strong, vibrant woman, even now more than I and I thank you for being so comfortable with yourself and your sexuality, convincing and encouraging others to open themselves to that joy.
You're beautiful!
Cheers, Lisa
You're beautiful!
Cheers, Lisa
Sunday, 07 August 2011 | Laos
Dear Xavera
Im writing my life and focussing one chapter on 1980 It was the year I spent in Amsterdam. Since that time I started to work in film. James Cameron is basing his next feature on my life and using some of my art. Shooting starts November. I was short listed for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. 1980 is a long time ago and peoples memories become sketchy and fade. But believe it or not its all there people just cant find it. I am attempting to research through letters the internet interviews with friends of that period and journals what happened. Johannes Van Dam and Harry Mulish were two other people who featured in that year who were kind of famous. You may or may not remember our meeting. We sat together in the Mielkweg and spoke for an hour. If you write back Ill send you my memories and you can edit it. IF not Ill just write what I remember.
I was 23 cute and had long hair and i was painting. Maybe a photograph would help. Or maybe I was just a blur of another face.
Whatever the case Enjoy the day and stay special and creative
all my best Dominic Ryan
my website is
Im writing my life and focussing one chapter on 1980 It was the year I spent in Amsterdam. Since that time I started to work in film. James Cameron is basing his next feature on my life and using some of my art. Shooting starts November. I was short listed for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. 1980 is a long time ago and peoples memories become sketchy and fade. But believe it or not its all there people just cant find it. I am attempting to research through letters the internet interviews with friends of that period and journals what happened. Johannes Van Dam and Harry Mulish were two other people who featured in that year who were kind of famous. You may or may not remember our meeting. We sat together in the Mielkweg and spoke for an hour. If you write back Ill send you my memories and you can edit it. IF not Ill just write what I remember.
I was 23 cute and had long hair and i was painting. Maybe a photograph would help. Or maybe I was just a blur of another face.
Whatever the case Enjoy the day and stay special and creative
all my best Dominic Ryan
my website is
101 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
I am afraid I have seen too many people in the course of all these years but wish you luck with this great project. if you need me for anything and it is feasibly possiblefor me to do please lets do it by email and NOT by Facebook for instance. good luck